WhatsApp has just released a new feature called "Voice Note Status" which allows users to record and share their voice messages as statuses. This feature is similar to the text and photo statuses that users can currently share, but with the added ability to record and share a voice message.
This is a great way to share quick updates, thoughts, or messages with friends and family without having to type out a long message. To use this feature, simply press and hold the microphone icon in the status tab and record your message.
You can then share it with your contacts or groups, and it will be visible for 24 hours before it disappears. Try it out and see how it can help you stay connected with your loved ones!
📝 WhatsApp beta for Android what's new?WhatsApp is releasing the ability to share voice notes via status updates to some lucky beta testers!https://t.co/ZHmQu368oz pic.twitter.com/ETsDLogxbC— WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) January 18, 2023