With a stream of new updates, WhatsApp is here with its new feature. The messaging app is all set to introduce a new feature that will allow users to share short video messages that are up to 60 seconds long.
WhatsApp is set to introduce new feature. It will allow users to share short video messages that are up to 60 seconds long.
This upgrade is available with the latest beta update for iOS and Android. It is available to only selected beta testers and will be rolled out to more users.
This feature allows users to share short video messages, enhancing their communication experience on the platform.
To know if feature is enabled, one can check it by tapping on microphone button. If the button changes into a video camera, then you can use it from now on.
When a user sends or receives a video message and they want to listen, they have to enlarge it by tapping on the video.
The user must ask recipient to update their WhatsApp version in order to receive the video messages. It allows user to record and send video messages in real time.
You will not be able to forward it. One can save them to their device using screen recording since they are not sent through the view once mode.
Previously, WhatsApp also announced introduction of Channels to some of its beta users. People can access Channels and Status under a new tab called Updates.