WhatsApp has been testing a new user interface for its Android app, which includes a bottom navigation bar The new design is similar to the interface used by WhatsApp's iPhone app, which already has a bottom navigation bar.
The new design has been rolled out to some users on the beta channel, and it is expected to be available to all users soon. The new interface moves the chat, calls, status, and settings buttons to a bottom navigation bar.
The Communities option has been relocated to the right of the Chats tab, displacing the Status option.
The redesigned buttons and the bottom navigation bar are expected to help with one-handed use, especially on phones with big screens. While the revamped interface aids one-hand use, it has one frustrating limitation: you cannot swipe left/right to switch between tabs.
However, WhatsApp is addressing this annoyance in the latest beta release of its Android app. Some users running the latest WhatsApp beta for Android v2.23.13.9 release can now switch between tabs with a simple swipe.
📝 WhatsApp beta for Android what's new?WhatsApp is working on an improved interface by introducing new icons and colors, and it will be available in a future update of the app!https://t.co/ld4DbHtdg2 pic.twitter.com/TFmMXhjzVs— WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) September 26, 2023