Resetting Domain User Passwords with PowerShell

Active Directory, the beating heart of many Windows domains, holds the keys to user accounts and their vital passwords. But what happens when a user forgets their password, locking them out? Panic? Fear not, for PowerShell, the Swiss Army knife of Windows administration, offers a swift and secure solution.

In this blog, we'll delve into the art of resetting domain user passwords using PowerShell, empowering you to unlock accounts and restore user access.


  • Administrative privileges: You'll need to run PowerShell as an administrator to interact with Active Directory.
  • Active Directory module: Ensure the Active Directory module for PowerShell is installed and imported (Import-Module ActiveDirectory).


Set-ADAccountPassword 'test' -Reset -NewPassword $password

'test' is the username

now enter the desired password--> confirm the same and enter.

Our champion in this password reset quest is the Set-ADAccountPassword cmdlet. This versatile tool allows you to set or reset passwords for various account types, including domain users. Let's explore its key parameters:

  • -Identity: Specifies the user whose password you want to reset. You can use various identifiers like username, distinguished name, or security identifier.
  • -Reset: This flag indicates you want to reset the password, prompting the user to change it on their next login.
  • -NewPassword: This parameter defines the new password. Remember to prioritize strong, unique passwords and avoid storing them in plain text! Use ConvertTo-SecureString to securely convert cleartext passwords.

Don't forget run gpupdate command after change the password.

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